Europäischer Verband der nationalen Fachverbände der Kaltbandhersteller.


... the European Federation of the National Associations of Cold Rolled Narrow Steel Strip Producers.

... est une association européenne regroupant les syndicats nationaux des lamineurs à froid.

22nd May 2017

The meeting took place at 18/19th May 2017 in Milan in the Alfa Romeo Museum. In the Technical Committee the focus was on health & safety with the expert speaker Mr. Sippel, Tata Steel, Hille & Müller. The Committee decided to establish a CIELFFA working group ‘health & safety’. Company representatives who are willing to work on that topic are requested to contact the CIELFFA office. In the Economic Committee Dr. Floro (Federacciai, Italian Steel Association) gave an outlook on the prospective developments of the European Steel market. The meeting was completed by a guided visit of the Alfa Romeo Museum.